Monday, September 11, 2006

Nanny State Redux

Ontario is going to add a deposit for liquor and wine bottles, starting in February of next year. Except that you won't return them to the LCBO, where you bought them, but to the beer store.

Some Questions:
  1. Why do I need to go to two places to complete my Canadian Club transaction?
  2. Apparently the LCBO already pays 5 million a year to the blue box program to offset their lack of deposit program. Perhaps that is more useful than what is proposed?
  3. Now, I am hardly a teatotaller, and even I go through less than a bottle of whiskey a month and a few bottles of wine a month. I doubt I am going to keep those aside until I venture to the beer store. So the system keeps that quarter I paid, and I put the bottle in the blue bin anyway.
  4. The financial incentive to beer bottles is that you tend to return dozens of them at a time. Ditto for popcans in Nova Scotia. That just doesn't happen with wine/liquor bottles. Maybe the answer is a higher deposit?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Because the project is being taken on by Brewer's Retail (owned by Labatt, Molson, and Sleeman's), which operates out of the Beer store.
2. Blue box recycling is not the most efficient - 80% of bottles are broken during the process and cannot be re-used.
3. You're not going to do that. You're going to keep them with your beer bottles. The financial incentive to return beer bottles is that you're going there anyways, so you might as well. For combo spirits/beer drinkers, that still aplies.
4. You put a return on juice boxes in BC and Alberta, despite buying one a time, and this system works.

7:28 PM  

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