Monday, December 18, 2006

Radio Topics, December 19

As always, we are on the air from 7-930 on 93.1fm for those in Ottawa, for all the rest.

On December 26th, we'll resurrect the annual least-important news item list, so be sure to tune into that while queuing outside of Futureshop.

Onto topics:

"So-called" global warming leading to another really hot year.

Government decides that the Canadian Space Agency, a world leader in robotics, shouldn't be doing world leading things .

Bye Bye Otrain.

A fresh-water dolphin goes extinct.

The Dismanteling of the unnecessary parts of Mirabel. Or atleast some of the lands around it.

Every year we have a holiday tree, every year someone complains when it is removed.

What to do about Iraq? Send more troops ?

Free speech, Islam and Europe: the Opera round.

Virginia Parishes desert the Anglican Church over the role of Gay Bishops.

Are the Liberals preparing for an other election. Ask their new deputy leader Michael Ignatief.


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