Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A Fun Game

Let's play a fun game. There is an issue relevant to a local community to which a candidate for council is raising awareness, partly on her blog. When the press picks up the story, how do you think that they will refer to her?

Local residents have also written to their local MPP, Richard Patten, and 17 met with Barry O'Brien, the LCBO's director of corporate affairs, over the issue, according to local blogger Vicky (Miss Vicky) Smallman.

Smallman, who is running for city council in the ward of Kitchissippi and says she is an active member of the Hintonburg Community Association, has generated some discussion on her site.

Now, I won't speak to whether or not the store should open or close, and I had discovered the Miss Vicky Blog some time ago. If you're interested, and you should be because it is well written, you can check out the relevant post here. But, again, isn't it a teensy bit more relevant that someone is an active member of the community and running for council then who also happens to have a blog, rather than the other way around?


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