Monday, October 23, 2006

Radio Topics for October 24th: Funding Drive Time!

As always, we are on air from 7-9am on 93.1fm in Ottawa, for all the rest.
A reminder: funding drive started on the 20th of October. CKCU receives a third of its budget from funding drive and is looking to raise 101 000 dollars this year. You can pledge online through ckcu's website or by calling in during our show. We will be talking with former guests on the show and having Padraic Ryan climb Dunton tower. For every fifty bucks raised Padraic climbs a flight of stairs.
We will be speaking with Peggy Feltmate who is running for re-election in Kanata South.
If you are New York State and want to get rid of a criminal the send him to Canada

If you are in the navy, you won't be on the ground in Afghanistan.

Miller supports immigrants voting in Municipal elections.

By-election fun in Ontario and Quebec

Democrats appear to like Net neutrality much to the chagrin of big business.
Iceland starts whaling again by killing endangered species.


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