Monday, October 09, 2006

Radio Topics, October 10

As always, we are on air from 7-9am on 93.1fm in Ottawa, for all the rest.

A reminder: Funding drive starts October 20th, but it's not too soon to pledge. You can pledge online through CKCU's website. Be sure to list "Tuesday Morning Special Blend" as the show you are pledging too. If you don't like the online thing feel free to email and we can sort something out.

In Hour 2 around 8:30, we'll talk with Capital Ward Council Candidate Clive Doucet about his campaign, where Ottawa should go, and other things.

Member of the Axis of Evil tests a nuclear bomb. Guess who we invaded in 2003 to prevent the development of WMDs?

Nobel Prize Week. Americans sweep the science prizes. But, who will take the Prize for Literature and Peace?

Morning Danish: Another Cartoon Scandal. Also, Jack Straw causes a row.

Canada Slams NATO's role in Afghanistan.

Rona goes to Environment committee. Pulls a Mike Powell and promises to show them a proposal really soon.

Saskatchewan sets up a Offendor website.
That could not possible go badly.

The Enduring Myth of the Avro Arrow

Youtube joins the googleplex.


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