This Peter McKay-Condi Rice thing is getting to be pretty silly. Some questions:
- What the hell is a verbal-PDA?
- Belinda split with Mckay (and the tories) something like a year and a half ago, almost as long as they were supposed to have been dating. How is that still recent?
- Did they talk about anything important, like passports or softwood?
- Shouldn't we all be profoundly dissapointed that the biggest story coming out of a meeting of our two foreign ministers, remembering that we have the single largest trading relationship in the world, is about a non-romance?
- I'm sure that there are also lots of gender bias issues here.
I thought it was a rather clever denoument on the whole right wing attack on Hilary kinda thing oh yeah and they way they went after Belinda...the touching interviews with Peter, sniff sniff, whom the media interviewed ad nauseum about 'theri relationship'. Of course I am biased cause I have helped foist this phoney relationship on the media and the blogosphere...but common we gotta have some fun sometime....softwood, hmm I feel a pun coming on...
Softwood is a funny pun.
You're right about the gender bias - gossip around romantic entanglements follow Condi around the world.
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