Wednesday, November 22, 2006

It was a conservative Katimiviktim

My friend Josh and I had a discussion over a couple of different forms of media about this weeks allegations of financial impropriety at everybody's favourite non-constitutional Trudeau legacy, Katimivik. He writes, which bears plagiarizing because it is really smart:

Wow, the Katimavik 'irregularities' are such a transparent hatchet job:

The federal government ordered a sweeping audit of Katimavik after financial irregularities and questionable spending were flagged at the government-funded youth-service organization. Some of the "anomalies" discovered were excessive meal claims, expensed Christmas gifts to staff and costs for a conference trip for two to Ghana.

Executive director Jean-Guy Bigeau says a $270,000 bank-balance discrepancy between what the government calculated Katimavik should have on hand and the corporation's actual balance was due to a serious accounting error by a rookie officer who was fired two weeks after the mistake came to light.

We're talking about a $20-million programme.

To put that in perspective, the Auditor-General is criticizing National Defence for more than $65 million in overpayments for pilot training with the "National Defence—NATO Flying Training in Canada" Programme - DND is paying a private contractor to deliver this program, but doesn't have as many people enrolled as projected, so the private contractor pockets the difference.

I cite that program to show that the Conservative cuts are ideological: programs they don't like are cut on efficiency grounds, while programs they do like continue to waste money.

Now, it looked like Katimivik was going to get axed beforehand, now we see the "justification". Someone should keep a list.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Lefty!
The DND program is a Liberal hold over which involves contracts with other countries and companies and will cost us more to break than to muddle through.
Remember the Pearson International airport and the EH101 helicopters. It cost us over a Billion because Chretien cancelled the contracts only to uncancel them later.
Get your facts straight.

11:14 PM  
Blogger an Mike Powell said...

It amuses me greatly when people assume that, just because I happen to support a particular party, that I think that they have never made a poor decision in the past.

I mean, seriously, do you still think that Mulroney's 40 billion dollar deficit's were a good idea?

1:02 PM  

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