Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Maybe they should also vote to revisit female suffrage

So, Vic Toews announced today that the government will fulfill its promise to have an awkwardly worded commons motion about gay marriage- before Christmas no, less. I'm sort of curious what other pieces of legislation that, having already been decided by both the courts and most provinces need to be revisited in the weeks before parliament's month long Christmas break.

It's nice to know that this government is getting the things that didn't need fixing done.


Blogger April Reign (aka Debra) said...

Some might say they have made steps toward turning back women's rights.

They have after all removed equality from the mandate as well as gutting SWC and removing any chance of a properly funded daycare system.

This government cares nothing for anyone's rights and is running on an ideology one would have hoped died a merciful death some decades ago.

That they think human rights are up for debate shows how absolutely certain it is that this party has no place in Canadian government.

8:48 AM  

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