We've all been thinking it...
Scott Feschuk writes:
The best thing about hanging around the studio of a community is the sense that Wayne's World was less SNL comedy and more documentary. There are the cheesy sets that would barely pass muster at a high school play, the snappy but low-tech graphics work in the riding info (I swear, the visuals were actually a camera zooming in on different parts of a riding map), amd a score card of where the parties stood at dissolution that makes the election feel like a bantam football game.
But most importantly, there is the music, which seems to have been aquired from some forom of disused late 1970s training video which may have been entitled "Discovering the art of Cabinet design".
Tonight was the televised debate on the local community cable station. Gary did absolutely fantastic, speaking as best as I have ever seen him speak, and handling himself well during a question and answer session, more than holding his own against a very slick Conservative incumbent.
We've since moved on to Guelph, where the PM will soon tape a CBC Town Hall thingy with Peter Mansbridge, renowned newsman, the only man in Canada powerful enough to make Rex Murphy sit in front of a computer all night and read emails on national television for some reason.
The best thing about hanging around the studio of a community is the sense that Wayne's World was less SNL comedy and more documentary. There are the cheesy sets that would barely pass muster at a high school play, the snappy but low-tech graphics work in the riding info (I swear, the visuals were actually a camera zooming in on different parts of a riding map), amd a score card of where the parties stood at dissolution that makes the election feel like a bantam football game.
But most importantly, there is the music, which seems to have been aquired from some forom of disused late 1970s training video which may have been entitled "Discovering the art of Cabinet design".
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