Monday, October 30, 2006

Radio Topics, Halloween Edition

As always, we are on air from 7-9am on 93.1fm in Ottawa, for all the rest.
A reminder: funding drive started on the 20th of October. CKCU receives a third of its budget from funding drive and is looking to raise 101 000 dollars this year. You can pledge online through ckcu's website or by calling in during our show. We will be talking with former guests on the show and having Padraic Ryan climb Dunton tower. For every fifty bucks raised Padraic goes up a floor. We raised a little more than 300 dollars last week, so Paddy already has 6 floors ahead of him from the outset- let's keep him walking.

In the first hour, we will talk with Kanata South council candidate Alan Hubley.

Other stuff that we'll touch on:

Costing Carbon: key to the future?

Tulip festival goes bankrupt.

UK General suggests Afghan mission "cuckoo".

Apparently, the internet lead to a decline in rape rates. Wha?

Australian government to fund chaplains in schools. All schools.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Its the idiocy, Stupid

First off- thanks to all those that contributed to CKCU's funding drive so far. There's still another week and a half to go, and every bit helps. My last post has all the details with regards to donating.
Twice this morning I was forced to ponder the Mackay "scandal", once while listening to Radio 1 on the way into the studio, then first question my good friend asked me at work this morning ("You're a guy: stupid or sexist?"). Both times, I expressed utter dismay that this is still an issue a weekend later.
By now we all know the details: David McGuinty asked a question with a not-so clever jab at McKay, McKay shouted a not so clever heckle back. Was it in poor taste? Obviously, but then again so is pretty much every question in question period, save for those softballs from the back of the government benches ("What is Canada's new Government doing to make things more awesome?"). Is it sexist? Only in as much as it suggests larger societal biases against women, especially those in prominent positions. What of the good man from Central Nova? He may be a jerk, I don't know, but this, in isolation, does not demonstrate it.
But what of women in politics? We see an entrenched problem. No derision is nice, and all derision based on demographics is productive. But even beyond that, evem how we lable prominent individuals differs markedly in a lot of the implied respect or stature given: think of a prominent male politician, and you probably refer to them in passing by their last name, be it Martin, Harper, Broadbent or whomever. Female MPs? Belinda, Rona, Alexa. First name only, more often than not, and with it less of an autmoatic deference of respect. And that's just language, ignoring social pressures and a 1000 other small things that add up to a lot.
So, Peter MacKay isn't sexist, or atleast that remark wasn't, but how we think of gender in politics still has issues. But mostly, what really annoys me, is that this isn't the big deal that we should be fighting for. It took till yesterday for me to find out the tories axed the funding for the Fulbright scholarship program, meaning that there is now less money going to Canada's best and brightest. They cut literacy funding in a country where 40% of adults can't read well enough to get by. They want to create a reverse onus in parts of the judiciary, yet haven't articulated why there is a real policy need. Those should be three first question in QP, not further stupidity on a forgettable, if regrettable, comment in the house.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Radio Topics for October 24th: Funding Drive Time!

As always, we are on air from 7-9am on 93.1fm in Ottawa, for all the rest.
A reminder: funding drive started on the 20th of October. CKCU receives a third of its budget from funding drive and is looking to raise 101 000 dollars this year. You can pledge online through ckcu's website or by calling in during our show. We will be talking with former guests on the show and having Padraic Ryan climb Dunton tower. For every fifty bucks raised Padraic climbs a flight of stairs.
We will be speaking with Peggy Feltmate who is running for re-election in Kanata South.
If you are New York State and want to get rid of a criminal the send him to Canada

If you are in the navy, you won't be on the ground in Afghanistan.

Miller supports immigrants voting in Municipal elections.

By-election fun in Ontario and Quebec

Democrats appear to like Net neutrality much to the chagrin of big business.
Iceland starts whaling again by killing endangered species.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Radio Topics, October 16th

As always, we are on air from 7-9am on 93.1fm in Ottawa, for all the rest.

A reminder: Funding drive starts October 20th, but it's not too soon to pledge. You can pledge online through CKCU's website. Be sure to list "Tuesday Morning Special Blend" as the show you are pledging too. If you don't like the online thing feel free to email and we can sort something out. This week Adam and I will talk a little bit about what we are planning on doing for

This tuesday we will see the start of a new segment in Hour 2 that looks at the experiences of newcomers to Canada. It'll air just after the 8am BBC news.

At 8:30 we will continue our look into council races with a chat with Capital Ward candidate Jay Nordenstrom.

Other things that we'll talk about include:

Court Decisions, Double Feature:
- Court Strikes down the threshold of election financing law.

-Gag Law goes to the SCC

You mean, they haven't done it already update.
- Ontario to change laws to limit Date Rape opportunities

You don't say...
-Prison System discriminatory to Aboriginals

The Hidden Homelessness
-Is not where you think. The Times looks at Rural Homelessness, and so will we.

More fun with my RSS feed:
-The times also looks at Religious tax breaks in the US.

Because I didn't talk about it on Sunday...
I'd like to take a look at equalization and whether or not we should factor in resource revenues. No link, do your own googling.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Radio Topics, October 10

As always, we are on air from 7-9am on 93.1fm in Ottawa, for all the rest.

A reminder: Funding drive starts October 20th, but it's not too soon to pledge. You can pledge online through CKCU's website. Be sure to list "Tuesday Morning Special Blend" as the show you are pledging too. If you don't like the online thing feel free to email and we can sort something out.

In Hour 2 around 8:30, we'll talk with Capital Ward Council Candidate Clive Doucet about his campaign, where Ottawa should go, and other things.

Member of the Axis of Evil tests a nuclear bomb. Guess who we invaded in 2003 to prevent the development of WMDs?

Nobel Prize Week. Americans sweep the science prizes. But, who will take the Prize for Literature and Peace?

Morning Danish: Another Cartoon Scandal. Also, Jack Straw causes a row.

Canada Slams NATO's role in Afghanistan.

Rona goes to Environment committee. Pulls a Mike Powell and promises to show them a proposal really soon.

Saskatchewan sets up a Offendor website.
That could not possible go badly.

The Enduring Myth of the Avro Arrow

Youtube joins the googleplex.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Glass Houses

No, not the Billy Joel Album.

So, following this weekends Delegate Selection Meetings, the Tories put out the requisite press release on their website. They argue that having 85 or so percent of the vote go four ways is a bad thing. Whatever.

But, in their snippy quips about the failures of the big four, they include the following:

Gerard Kennedy - an un-tested provincial MPP with no federal experience.
Now, I didn't support Kennedy, but this is a bit rich. People should probably remind those producing negative material of the previous experience of the President of the Treasury Board, The Minister of Health, and that guy that runs Finance.

Also: Finally.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Radio Topics, October 3rd

As always, we air tuesday from 7 to 9 am on 93.1fm in Ottawa, and online at for all the rest.

In the second hour, we will start our council candidate interview series with Amrik Dhami (Kanata South) at 8:10 and Jay Nordenstrom (Capital) at 8:30. This should take most of hour two, and we'll fill the rest with overflow conversation.

In other news:

Iggy calls for civility as he takes the lead. We'll also take a look at the results and what they may mean. Plus, does a live broadcast of results affect subsequent DSMs?

Do the theo-cons want your pills?

TorStar take on Ontario's doctor shortage and MedEmerge taking over the Cambridge emergency department.

Large majority of Canadians think the army is engaged in a war they can't win. Also think Bush is dangerous to the world.

Chris Hitchens takes on overtly religious chaplains.

President Lula of Brazil doesn't get the first ballot win. Must face a run-off.

The US House republicans get their own sex scandal, except this one is (if true) really, really disturbing.

ICANN goes (more) independant.