Saturday, December 03, 2005

An Evening Out

I went to see the Harry Potter movie tonight. It's nice to know that even in different provinces, even at a 10:30pm show, that 15 year-olds make me want to never have children. Or at least teenaged children. It's also nice to know that shitty mall theatres are shitty mall theatres anywhere in Canada.

The walk home was really nice. It was cold outside, maybe -15, but there was a light dusting of snow and and little breeze. The shuffle on my iPod produced a good set of songs, some Dylan and some Lou Reed, which made for a fun late night soundtrack. It sort of reminded me of walking home from the Baseline bus station after a night downtown, too cheap to take a 7 dollar cab ride home, but too late to actually catch a bus the rest of the way.

Tomorrow I go to a PM tour meeting and do some marking. Sunday I make my way for the Pile of Bones.


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